Dream a Little Dream

We bought the property in May 2015. We had a big dream. Three years later … we have a bunch of little dreams. We’d love to have dozens of bee hives, a huge food forest with hundreds of fruit trees, and a rustic cabin. Instead, we have 2 dead bee hives, 6 fruit trees, and a 10′ X 20′ shed. 🙂

Still, we’ve made progress over the last three years. The blackberries that choked out the cleared land are under control. Those 6 fruit trees are doing well through multiple seasons, and there are another 10 flowering trees that are in the ground and growing. There’s also a mostly functional outhouse. Most importantly, we are completely debt free and plan to stay that way. So, we’re going to keep dreaming little dreams, stacking them on top of each other until our big dream is finally built. It requires perseverance, but there is also satisfaction in working through the steps one by one.

We may not have a cabin, but for now we can sleep in the shed.


This is nearly an acre of cleared land that used to be covered with 12′ high blackberries. Here’s video of Jaron getting started on clearing it 3 years ago. That’s a new redbud tree we planted in the foreground.


Here’s an apricot, and there’s a cherry tree in the background. They are both doing well. This is a solid proof of concept. The property is a good place to grow fruit trees.


Society has a tendency to look for the quick solution. We want to dream big, but then struggle to put in the work to bring that dream to fruition. Hopefully, by tackling little dreams, one at a time, we will build something amazing. Small beginnings are to be celebrated, not despised. So we celebrate!

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